Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wednesday weepings

"American Idol" - Blake in the finals? Exsqueeze me? I baking powder? This guy isn't even lame in the fun, goofy, Taylor Hicks way, he's just totally lame. That video package of him heading back home to the Puget Sound area was INTOLERABLE. I always thought Seattle seemed like a cool place to live but now I'm strongly questioning that. At one point Jordin seemed like a clear favorite, but this dork obviously has a lot of support. At this point, the finals are simply - much like the 2000 presidential election - too close to call.

Melinda really was great, but she never had the starpower to win the whole thing. But seeing Blake get further than her really sucks.

"America's Next Top Model" - I haven't watched this all season, but turned in to it enough to see that "Jaslene" won. Um...yay?

"Lost" - Not much to weep about here. Another awesome episode. This show is on a roll like no other. Obviously Charlie wasn't going to drown (they're not going to tell us he's going to drown and then actually have him drown - that's just not the "Lost" way) but watching him go down there was excruciating - and then - he's OK! And then - a bunch of babes with guns are about to shoot him! And then - end of episode! Ack. His unnecessary paddle smack to the head of Desmond was also pretty great. One wonder if this means a Juliet triple cross.

Phoenix Suns game
- UGH. Gave me as many ulcers as this whole "fate of 'Veronica mars'" thing. Speaking of which, watch this space for more news on that very soon. But man, I hate the Spurs. Seriously, I do not like those guys at all.

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