Monday, January 22, 2007

You think you know a gay: Revisited

Looks like, months after the original incident, Isaiah Washington may be fired for his use of gay slurs. This, of course, opens up a whole can of discriminatory worms - firing one of the few African-American quasi-leads on a hit show. Especially one that is dating an Asian character. Why couldn't it have been a white guy that was homophobic? That is so racist of T.R. Knight.

New-dio 60

It's back! Now that there's been enough time to react to all of the bad reviews the show has gotten, I can't wait for the "TV critics don't have the right to criticize my show" episode. Nah, actually I started to honestly...enjoy? "Studio 60" the last couple of weeks before the hiatus, heavy-handedly co-opting the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina aside. However, it is really annoying to see the commercials that act like Danny/Jordan (or as I call them, "JorDan") are some sort of fated, star-crossed lovers when that's barely been played up at all on the show. Tonight, the gang takes on the FCC! Take that, conservative patriarchy! (actually, the FCC is a pretty great target, if not done to death, for Sorkin's distinctive, left-leaning preachyness). Here's an interesting article about us folks who actually like the show.

Also new tonight: "Heroes." Are YOU on the list? Probably not. You're not a fictional character.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Short jacked

Cool. Way cooler than McFarlane Toy's "Lost" figures, which were neat but included such shelf-cloggers as "Shannon in a bikini," "Charlie with full-sized Driveshaft ring replica" and "Hurley." According to USA Today, always first with your action figure news, there are plans for a few other Jack toys but maybe not any other characters. That makes sense. Do we really need a tiny Gregory Itzin sitting on our mantle?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Family Ties

With last night's lametacular series premiere of "Dirt," and tonight's surely atrocious premiere of "In Case of Emergency," I think that Courtney Cox and David Arquette are about to set a record for the worst shows by a husband and wife simultaneously on TV. The old record was probably "Ink."

But seriously, has there ever been a bigger crop of losers on a show than "ICoE"? David Arquette, Kelly Hu, Greg Germann, Jonathan Silverman and frickin' Aunt Becky? Amazing.

"Knights of Prosperity" is also on tonight, and as many people know, it was originally called "Let's Rob Mick Jagger," but he didn't want his name on the title (and probably rightly so). I thought "Knights of Prosperity" was at least the title of an obscure Stones tune or something, but, nope, it's just a stupid name.

OC: Officially Canceled

It's sort of weird for a show to end after only four seasons, and I guess it's a testament to the current climate (where series are axed after one episode - "Emily's Reasons Why Not," we're looking at you, right?) that it seems like it's been on for a while. It was supposed to be this generation's "90210," and I guess it's better that it's ending rather than going on for years too long and bringing in a countless number of lame characters.

But anyway, "The O.C." has been canceled. I watched it back when it was the cool thing for people my age (well, slightly younger than me), and ditched it when it was the cool thing to ditch.

In other cancellation news, "The Megan Mullally Show" has gotten the ol' boot, meaning she lasted a shorter amount of time than Tony Danza, Caroline Rhea of Wayne Brady. I think even "The Magic Hour" was on a bit longer.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Auld lang syne language

AND WE'RE BAAAHHHHHHHHHCK. It's a new year full of new posts here at the ol' Channel Surfing. Here's the top ten list for 2006.

In case you don't like reading, here's the quick list:

1. “The Colbert Report”
2. “The Office”
3. “Battlestar Galactica”
4. “24”
5. “Rescue Me”
6. “South Park”
7. “Dog Bites Man”
8. “Veronica Mars”
9. “How I Met Your Mother”
10. “Arrested Development”