Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wain over me

Despite it being premiere week, my favorite show right now isn't on that outdated, 20th century contraption, "television," it's online. It's "Wainy Days," a webshow starring David Wain of "The State" and "Stella" fame. Between this and the transcendent "Clark and Michael," it's really great that webshows are now being produced by people that I already like in "real" entertainment instead of just, you know, random nobodies.

And, like "C&M," each episode has been chockablock full of other people I like. So far on "Wainy Days," we've gotten the lovely Elizabeth Banks, the irrepressible A.D. Miles, the inimitable Michael Ian Black, the cagey Ken Marino, the crafty Kerri Kenney, and Callie Thorne, thankfully much less crazy and hard to take than she is on "Rescue Me." The latest episode ensured its place as "Clark and Michael" spiritual successor by featuring "Superbad" star Jonah Hill - plus there was some hot Thomas Lennon action, and it was great to see him playing someone other than Lt. Jim Dangle.

So yeah, watch it. In fact, the first episode is RIGHT HERE! You have no excuse!

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