Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Other news

- Adrianne Curry's blog is apparently awesome. Who would guess such a thing? It's made the rounds this week, due to the original "Top Model" winner's declaration that though slavery "does suck some major balls," it's "time to move the fuck on." Bold. And, you know. Disturbing.

- You gotta dig all these specific references to time in this TMZ-Kiefer Sutherland-DUI story. Picture them being preceded by a digital clock and dramatic countdown sounds.

- "Nashville" has been canceled. I was not aware that it had started. The symmetry of it being replaced by "K-Ville" is not unnoticed, though.

- "HIMYM" was very funny Monday night, but I think we can consider any future "lower-back tatoo on slutty girls" jokes, starting with "Wedding Crashers" and ending with that episode, yes, wait, for it...

- I still haven't watched "Chuck," "Heroes" or "Reaper." I fail at life. However, Channel Surfing correspondent Justin Shapiro has weighed in with these insightful words on the "Heroes" season premiere: "That little girl is sassy. I would probably sass the shit out of people if I had Mohinder and fatty as My Two Dads."

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