Friday, November 17, 2006

Supersize glee

I've had a day to think about it, and if that wasn't the best "Office" of all time, it was very near that mark (at least on par with the last "supersized" episode, "Casino Night"). It's sort of weird for an already-hilarious show in its third season, with an already large cast, to add a character that is as funny if not funnier than anyone else around, but I do believe they've done that in the form of Andy Bernard. He's not the showstopper, he's the whole f'n show.

But what made it really great is that despite the influx of new blood, the original, beloved, Scranton branch wasn't just pushed to the side. Everyone had great moments, especially Ryan, Kelly, and of course, season 3 MVP Creed ("Right place, right time).

"My Name Is Earl" was basically a PSA.

"30 Rock"
was funny, but it's getting to the point where it's sort of depressing to like it since it's so obviously going to be gone soon, so like, why set yourself up for that kind of disappointment again? I don't think it's a stretch, though, to say that Tracy Morgan and Tina Fey are the second and third funniest people to come out of "SNL" in the last five years. Alec Baldwin is probably fourth.

But man, the NBC incest/product placement is getting crazy. Not only did we get "Friends" references in both "Earl" and "Rock" (not to mention "Office," hilariously, playing off "Lazy Sunday"), there was also the weird shredder from Staples thing. Also, playing up product placement as a gag (like Snapple on "30 Rock") was funny 14 years ago in the "Wayne's World" movie, but it's a little stale now, and seems sort of toothless when followed up by a commercial for the product you are "ironically" plugging.

On another note, how great is the new, longer lasting Axe effect? It's so new! And longer lasting!

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