Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The doctor is inane

By some terrible stroke of luck, I ended up seeing the first three minutes of the initial"Dr. Steve-O" episode Monday night - and, just in that short time, it officially beat out Fuse's "Rad Girls" as the most loathsome show I've seen on "actual" TV in quite a while. And keep in mind that "Rad Girls" is mainly just women in bikinis vomiting.

The show opens with a jaunty musical number explaining the premise of the show (because apparently it's fairly complex). Basically, "Jackass" vet "Dr." Steve-O helps "wussies" (and yes, that's the word they use. because, you know, people actually say that) become, well, less wussy. To make things even worse, it's giving Trishelle work.

1 comment:

Match Girl said...

If it weren't for Steve-O I would have never known that guys had a scrotum.