Monday, September 18, 2006


Do you guys remember the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards? Sadly they haven't happened since 2001 (and they apparently blamed it on 9/11). It's a shame for such a rich prize to lay dormant like this, thus I am officially declaring my co-opting of the awards to...award things of merit in the land of "Chanel Surfing."

So I hereby bestow a Blockbuster Entertainment Award on the best DVD out this week:

The "Battlestar Galactica" DVD sets are annoyingly expensive, but if you're like me and out partying (read: hosting Vampire: The Masquerade parties) on Friday nights, they're necessary just the same. And anyway, I gotta get my James Callis fix in somehow, right? Wait, wait, I mean my Tricia Helfer fix. Girls are pretty. Girls girls girls.

Target has it for $37.99, which is $3 more than Best Buy, but you get a $5 gift card - which I also got for buying "Arrested Development" season 3 there. Which means I'll be purchasing season 2.5 for free! Or, $27.99. One of the two, I forget.

I'm overdoing it with the links, aren't I? Is there really anyone out there who can't guess that Target's Web site is

Other stuff out this week include: "The Chris Rock Show," which seems like it would be rather dated now; "Footballers' Wives - Season 3," in case you need to feel better about how your teeth look (that's cutting edge humor, friends); "Gilmore Girls - The Complete 6th Season," which got pretty mixed reviews from the Gilmore Girl fanatics (or as I call them, "dorks); "My Name Is Earl - The Complete 1st Season," if you're looking for a nice show for the nice people (or if you're a Scientologist) and "The Unit - Season 1," for those who want to pretend the president on "24" faked his death and went into the military.

And oh yeah, HE-MAN.

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