Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Other news

- Unintentional comedy: radio ads for this week's "House" have ol' Greg saying "The lab couldn't identify the metal. They don't even think it's terrestrial." in a real dramatic voice, like that's a big mysterious plot point. But in the actual episode (and the "scenes from next week teaser on the season premiere) it's just a quick gag, and he immediately says, "No. It's titanium" and that's pretty much the end of that.

- If you haven't heard or seen it yet, Keith Olbermann laid the smackdown on Bush pretty bad Monday night. It's a way better read than your average Dan Patrick ESPN the Magazine column. It was the second boldest political condemnation I saw on 9/11, after this Ted Rall comic strip.

- Finally, a good use for all those Gregory Itzin shower pictures I've somehow accumulated over the years! In other "24" news, Babe's owner is Jack Bauer's dad. I would not have guessed.

- Tomorrow is the first day for Meredith Vieria on "Today." which means those "It's a New Day" commercials might finally stop.

- Looks like Patton Oswalt got his wish!

- This is such a non-story, and it's annoying to see how many places it's popping up. Not only can we obviously not discount the possibility of Eva Longoria ever doing TV again (and nor can she - and if she does, she'll get taunted for these comments), but with people like Kiefer Sutherland finding so much success in TV, it's actually a little insulting to see her go back to the "TV good, movies better" mentality. But I still wanna say hi to her at the Hispanic Women's Conference in Phoenix.

- Some dude won "Big Brother." I know very few people who will admit to seeing a "Big Brother," even by accident.

- Not only is John Leguizamo going to be on a new Spike TV show, he's also apparently a terrible person.

- Music videos in old tyme settings are officially tired - The Killers, Panic! at the Disco, now Evanescence. And that song. YIKES.

- Alanis Morissette as the love interest of Liz Cruz on "Nip/Tuck"? She could do better (I'm talking about Liz).

- Don't forget about the Ricky Gervais video podcasts!

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