Monday, October 16, 2006

Bearly believable

Well. Never mind.

These "Heroes" aren't very heroic!

ANOTHER Nancy Grace parody? Come now. When you're ripping off the cutting-edge, biting humor of "Boston Legal," you might be in trouble.

When Christine Lahti was asking Sarah Paulson about the religious-bashing sketches, including "Pat Robertson, Weather Man," why didn't she ask about singing on "The 700 Club"? That's what I immediately thought of. I mean, I don't want to say that I'm a better reporter than Aaron Sorkin's fictional Vanity Fair reporter...but you know,

I strenuously doubt "Search and Destory" would be that popular in this current climate. It's not like "Temptation Island" was even a big hit at all, but people sure seem to think it is now for some reason.

Who exactly thinks that dude's Nicolas Cage is so great we have to see it every week? That sketch doesn't even make sense, because even a bad "SNL" skit would somehow make it reflective of Nicolas Cage's career or personal life, but that's just a guy doing a rather broad Nicolas Cage impression while saying completely normal things. Where's the joke?

Although I am psyched for that United Nations comedy!

To counter all of my making fun of "Studio 60," and to curtail "But why do you even bother watching?" arguments, each week, I'll say something positive about it. Alright. Here goes. Wow. Nervous. Yikes. OK. Ed Asner is good.


Anonymous said...

Search & Destroy was a guaranteed smash hit because it's the brainchild of notorious hitmaster Roman A Clef For Mark Burnett.

Albert said...

That was way too subtle for me! Next thing you'll tell me that "Studio 60" is actually a late night sketch comedy show much like "Saturday Night Live"!

Anonymous said...

He made Roman A Clef For The Apprentice!