Friday, October 06, 2006

Thursdays of Thunder




That was a great "Office," maybe it's the post-episode buzz but I'm willing to say one of the best. "Crentist." "I have a laundry machine." With all the play the supporting characters have gotten lately - and deservedly so - it's still nice to see Michael and Dwight front and center. I hope Jim and Rashida Jones "hook up" (which I'm told is hip slang for "have sex"). Entourrraggggee.

Between this week's "My Name Is Earl," "Freak Show" and "House of Carters," freaks are making a real comeback on TV. Judy Greer really likes making herself look ugly.

Did everyone catch the kid from "Little Miss Sunshine" on "Grey's Anatomy"? (oh wait, it was "Grey's Anatomy," I mean, did everyone without a Y chromosone catch it). She was good although I couldn't tell what was wrong with her amdist that stirring love triangle with that one chick and the dude and Robin. I think we have to worry about whoever created this site.

Frasier's dad as a drag queen on "ER" was maybe a little more exciting in concept than execution, but it was still a pretty good episode.

1 comment:

Anastasia said...


The Office was awesome. Really great.

"Fashin show at lunch, fashion show at lunch!"

Hee hee,
