Thursday, October 05, 2006

B-Boys Makin' with the Freak-Freak

I didn't catch "Freak Show" last night, but the commercials didn't look exactly promising. Especially given that it was co-created by these two guys:

"Arrested Development" and "Home Movies" are two of my favorite shows, and although David Cross and H. Jon Benjamin might not have been credited as being creatively responsible, it's certain that Dr. Tobias Funke and Coach John McGuirk wouldn't have been nearly as memorable if anyone else was doing it (plus they're both great stand-ups, and hello, "Mr. Show"). So that's why it was upsetting that the commercials for "Freak Show" make it look so very broad (I mean, freak shows? really? is there a big public demand for jokes about circus freaks right now?); much more "Drawn Together" than "South Park." But, I wasn't home, forgot to record it, so I didn't see it. It may have been awesome. Please let me know. But it seems like a talking fetus that has lethal projectile vomit is one of those things that are funny to joke about but not so funny to watch for 30 minutes. I'm probably a sellout for thinking that. Not to mention that the quality of animation isn't too encouraging either.

On that note, let's remember some of my favorite moments with those two:
Coach McGuirk: Now when I was in college I went through some weird times...
Brendon: I didn't know you went to college.
Coach McGuirk: A couple of days I did. Alright, and I ran with a gang. The gang was called the Feelgoods. It wasn't the toughtest gang in the world... it was more like running with the cast of a broadway musical. Very annoying. A lot of freaky interpretive dance stuff - beads, makeup - in other words *drugs*, Brendon.
And Uncle T-Bag:

You know, first of all, we are doing this for her, okay, because neither one of us wants to get divorced. And second-of-ly, I know you’re the big marriage expert. Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot. Your wife is dead. I’m sorry. That was 100% inappropriate, and I do apologize profusely. I’m... Oh...

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